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Seriously Lost in Translation

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 10:13 am
by Wyoming
Greetings from Wyoming,

New Radioddity DB25 D user here. I purchased this for more punch dealing with DMR and reaching one of our repeaters. I have been a DMR user for about 3 years now and I am so absolutely lost trying to figure out what things are in this vastly different software.

I have 3 of the Anytone 878 models and have a pretty solid mastery on programming the code plugs for them and setting all of the features up.

But I am so lost. I think I have figured out that Contacts in the DB25 D translate to Talk Groups from the Anytone. I managed to figure out the *.csv import headings for a few things but I just don't see it in this Radioddity CPS software.

I would be everlastingly grateful to take a look at a copy of of someone's WORKING code plug if they would be willing to share. This would allow me to reverse figure out what goes where and under what new name.

Thank you Kindly for reading the post

Re: Seriously Lost in Translation

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 10:20 pm
There are few codeplugs shared here, including my original sample files. Although they may be out-of-date now from updates since;

You can also import from Anytone export files, it doesn't always work 100% but it should import most things to get you started.

Re: Seriously Lost in Translation

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:53 am
by Wyoming
Thank you very much for your response.

Honestly, thank you for all the help you have created here. I love HAM radio. There are so many things that the cell phone has destroyed. As a construction director I have torn down Blockbusters, Hastings, K-Mart, Radio Shacks...

Honestly I think half the reason everything is so screwed up is because All of our superheros have been killed off, Radio shack is gone, Texas Instruments, and Murphy's law of computers, nothing really left to be curious about. and now with AI bots all about to take control... flushing the toilet will soon be a burden we no longer have to live with...

There isn't a magazine that comes in the mail anymore that can generate the excitement I used to feel as much as the computer magazines and the 12 pages of Basic that caused us to scream at our computers because of a missing "thing" all of which when properly done produced a bouncing ball across the screen.

All this said... I am so just amazed at how absolutely insane this DB25-D radioddity is. I thought getting rid of my boat made me happy... but no..... Sticking the amazon label on this radio is way much more enjoyable.

God Bless all you that walk these pages in search of a morsel of relief from your frustration and those here that render aid to them...

But I'm out... sticking with my Anytone HTs