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Display Time

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 2:42 pm
I might have missed something here but the time on the display is 1 hour at present on my radio and I suspect this is due to day light savings. Is there a fix for this, alternatively is there a way of displaying UTC time?

Re: Display Time

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:12 pm
If you are settings the time via GPS, in the menu Appendix > GPS > Calibrator.. Select Manual and then you can select the UTC offset.

I never use GPS or APRS so I'm not sure the the Auto calibrator works correctly, easier to set it manually.
If you set the time manually and never use GPS then it should stay with the time you set.. +/- a few minutes or more if the radio is left without power.
GD-88 should hold time but the DB25-D will start to drift without power once the capacitor drains.