Contact ID length too short 0.2.913.1

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Contact ID length too short 0.2.913.1

Post by Dalite »

The Contact ID Length does not allow enough of a description. The Import Contacts function allows the full name to be imported into the CPS internal Contacts, but the Write process chokes if the Contact Name is over 10 characters. The memory allocation seems to be dynamic, as shown in the status line at the bottom of the CPS. I believe it may be able to handle a longer Contact Name or truncate (if possible) on the fly. An import of the entire TGIF Network as a test was achieved without errors. But the Write process stops at every contact longer than 10 characters and that is over 60 to 70% of the names used to describe the contact. After each edit, it may advance 2 or 3 more contacts before erroring and stopping the Write. You can manually edit the contact names, using the number of allowed characters to hint at what the contact is when creating a channel.
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Re: Contact ID length too short 0.2.913.1

Post by MM7DBT »

Contact names, Zone names, Channel names etc are all limited to 10 characters by the radio/firmware.

I do notice that you are currently able to import contacts with more than 10 characters.. however that is an oversight by me not checking them when importing.
However you cannot import channels where the Zone Name or Channel Name is more than 10 characters.. it will show an error, I just need to apply that to the contacts import as well.

Dynamic memory allocation is only applicable to zones and channels.
Originally you were only allowed 16 zones with up to 250 channels each, which makes up the "4000 spaces"
Later Kydera made this dynamic to where each zone takes up "1 space" and each channel takes up "1 space" so now you can have any number of zones and channels, up to the 4000 space limit.

It is very limiting by only being able to use 10 characters for contact names etc.. however that is the limitation in the firmware and the font size used on the radio display.
If you create a channel with 10 characters and look at it on the radio, it takes up most, if not all, the space available to it on the screen.
Perhaps this could be increased to 16 characters with a slightly smaller font but that is something that would have to be discussed with Kydera as they are who write the firmware for all of the radio models (Retevis, Radioddity etc)
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-73 de MM7DBT
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