Incremental update number

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Incremental update number

Post by IDL »

Hi Dave

Excellent work on the editor which works very well.

I noticed you’ve mentioned a couple of changes to the editor recently in response to bug reports but there’s been no update to the release list. Without following the posts I wouldn’t have been aware of the changes.

Are you able to include a version number in the running program title bar (and the file name) so we can identify a newer version. Since it’s a prerelease program a 0.xx version number would be perfect.

I completely understand you’re doing this in your own time and these things are additional work on top of your already busy schedule.


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Re: Incremental update number

Post by MM7DBT »

Hi Ian

Yeah I have been meaning to add a version number which increments automatically on each build, as even I'm starting to confuse myself on which version the exe is. :lol:
Although I do have all previous ones sorted by folder by what was fixed but other than that I can't tell them apart.

I'll add it in so that next time I make a build it will start putting a version number in.

-73 de MM7DBT
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