DB40-D Factory number and serial number

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DB40-D Factory number and serial number

Post by VK2CRB »

This new radio I got 3 days ago, either when using the CPE Editor by David MM7DBT or the CPE 3.3 that is the actual Radioddity software, neither will show the serial or factory number. Both fields are blank.
No idea why, but that is what it is.

NOTE: when using the radio buttors ( I have not changed any defaults). Going to Menu 11 and looking at some settings there is the bottom right button that is supposed to be the BACK behaviour. Yes, it is, BUT on the ID or Name, the back button instead of taking the menu back to the previous settings, deletes the left ASCII character and you need to reprogram the radio again to recover the correct name and DMR ID.
EXAMPLE: VK2CRB, will delete the B and that is it.
ID 5052451 ( I think that is mine) deletes the 1 and again in the same boat.
Appears the BACK behaves as a delete function in real life. If instead you end up there by mistake and need to get out, press the bottom left button that is the OK and will acknowledge as you would have done that entry and automatically say: " ok" and back to the previous screen.

I have emailed Radioddity support and they have acknowledged...............but will they understand and do something..................no idea.
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Re: DB40-D Factory number and serial number

Post by MM7DBT »

The factory number and serial number fields are not important, as in they are not used for anything nor are they unique between radios.
All radios are programmed with the same numbers, they can be changed manually if you want to enter your own, for whatever reason.

As for the radioid screen, you can either (as you mentioned) press 'ok' and it will "save" it and return to the previous screen.. or you can press 'back' multiple times, which does delete characters, however it wont save it unless you press 'ok'.
So you can press 'back' until it deletes everything and then goes to the previous screen.

It is counter-intuitive but.. it's just another quirk of the radio firmware I guess lol
-73 de MM7DBT
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Re: DB40-D Factory number and serial number

Post by VK2CRB »

Thanks ! To me is totally strange and weird. Doe not make sense, if there was an edit function in the first place, then I would understand it as it would imply you can change a mistake you might have done with the CPE when programming and you did not notice at that time.
In the end it leaves it open to a mistake that may mean problems when on the road.
Not sure if the manual they send with the unit says anything as normally there are strange literal translations that sounds out of place in their semantic expressions.
I have sent an email to them and got a reply:" Will send to the technical guys". So I am going to get a nice armchair, seat and wait. Sorry I tend to be sarcatic.
The TYT MD2017 and Retevis RT 82 (same radio, they are not OEM so they buy from TYT) show in the software always the Serial Number. Something that might be useful if the sticker in radio fades out with time.
Their official Radioddity CPE is a bit of a dog and does not show the data either.
I am not a programmer, sadly, but sometimes things are written like.................
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Re: DB40-D Factory number and serial number

Post by VK2CRB »

Answer below from Radiddity
Hello Richard,

I just got a response from our technical team.

We have confirmed that it is indeed possible to accidentally delete characters when accessing the ID or callsign via the radio menu. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Currently, we do not have an immediate solution to address this issue quickly. However, please be assured that our product team has noted both your suggestions. We are actively collecting customer feedback and will strive to improve this aspect in future firmware releases.

Thanks again for bringing the issues to our attention! Please feel free to let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
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