Import RadioID digital IDs

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Import RadioID digital IDs

Post by W7ML »

Can you point me to how to do this as a new user?

I do not want to spoil my codeplug so far. I have been working without Digital IDs.

Thank you.
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Re: Import RadioID digital IDs

Post by MM7DBT »

It is fairly straight forward but to avoid repeating myself.. There is a Wiki page that explains how it works.
-73 de MM7DBT
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Re: Import RadioID digital IDs

Post by VK2CRB »

Mate, I have been in that wiki 4 times.

Is that something that we need to manually download from somewhere or that is a feature and setting that should be in the CPE Editor software, because then I need a microscope to find it.
The very step basics, to me are totally missing.
Sorry, but is useless
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Re: Import RadioID digital IDs

Post by VK2CRB »

Ok, I think that I found the missing.

Maybe the Wiki info has been done with good intentions but for whoever has never done anything like this before, like me..................
Once you are in the CONTACTS TAB , you need to go to TOOLS which is up a bit left of the menu of the program.
There you click on tools and sub-menu appears, you need to point to Write Ham contacts or new ham contacts, there and then the window will appear and you can generate or import or write to radio. As the screen capture that appears in that menu of the Wiki.
I just found with trial on error, by the book that should be mentioned in the Wiki.
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