CSV Export and Import

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CSV Export and Import

Post by KB7RQQ »

So I'm having issues with using CSV files... obviously, the format is a bit different than the Radioddity CPS. But even reformatting to the header the software is using and making sure that the frequency and PL's have the right amount of characters, I can't get a CSV to import. Even exporting from the editor and trying to re-import doesn't work. Get the 'incorrect format' warning. Using LibreOffice but saving in a Text .CSV format. Any tips? I don't have MS Excel.
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Re: CSV Export and Import

Post by DEANO3528 »

First post on a good old forum. Farceblok isn't a patch on a forum for reference work.
Dragging this up please as getting the same with the Retevis one. Exported the file from my new Kydera and after editing it in excel to add current contacts matching my MD380. Tried to import but keep getting 'invaled csv' message. The time it will take to enter almost 900 contacts the wife will probably be chucking it in my grave when I go, still not completed! And that's without all my channels and zones etc. The only thing different between the exported and imported files is that there is no RX list on the import as the MD380 contacts export doesn't include them. Any one got any ideas please?
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Re: CSV Export and Import

Post by MM7DBT »

PM me the csv file and I can see exactly where it goes wrong. "Invalid CSV Format" suggests the headers are not correct which may be as simple as a formatting issue.

The radio is limited to around <255 contacts due to an issue with the firmware and how it stores the Contact ID (not DMR ID) and Channel Default Contact ID.
Simple explanation is that the ID is stored as 1 byte so is limited to 0-255.. attempting to go higher just breaks the contacts and channel contacts.
It used to be 2 bytes before APRS was added and they've used the adjacent byte to store that info.. I've been asking for the last year or more to have it fixed but to no avail...
-73 de MM7DBT
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Re: CSV Export and Import

Post by kd2ak »

I had the same issue, but could not change the Radio ID header. The software would not switch to the selection screen. Then I noticed that the download from radioid.com used a hyphen between the radio and id (radio-ID) whereas the contacts file did not use the hyphen (radio id). I changed my file to reflect the non-hyphen and it then allowd the other changes in format (namely the choice of name). and all was well.

73 kd2ak
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