Software bug

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Software bug

Post by n0ozz »

There is a bug in either this editor or the firmware. I am using CPE 0.3.504.1 with firmware DB25-D_909E.Dx.EARSAB.018_2023-07-06 on a DB-25 D radio.

The bug can be reproduced by using this frequency14724000 as the receive frequency for the 5th channel in the zones/channels, with a missing 0 when changing channels to this channel, with the missing 0, will cause the codeplug to unprogram all the channels. Also of note this makes the enc knob unusable.

Thank you
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Re: Software bug

Post by MM7DBT »

How are you entering the frequency, 14724000 ?
Using the CPEditor channel editor, it will automatically add the missing 0 after you leave the text box.
Exporting the channels, editing the frequency and then importing them, will also add the missing 0.

Let me know the steps to reproduce this and I can look into it.
-73 de MM7DBT
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Re: Software bug

Post by n0ozz »

I cant reproduce it now, maybe I used the DRS CPS V3.3.
I will look it over again, later.

Thanks for your attention.
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