Editor Update Progress.

New updates to the editor will be announced here.
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Editor Update Progress.

Post by MM7DBT »

I know it's been due for a long time but as mentioned previously, my current schedule at work means I don't have a lot of free time to work on this.. however..
I have been making some progress on the next update and I just wanted to share them with you at it's current stage :)

I have updated the main buttons to a smaller toolbar and have added a menubar for the import/export feature as well as giving access to the Ham Contacts, Ham Groups and Firmware Update tools at any time (rather than just being available before opening a codeplug)

I have added new editing options within the editor for adding/removing contacts, rx groups, scan lists etc. I haven't finished the zones/channels part yet but the screenshots below show the current progress :)

Contacts Edit:
RX Group Edit:
Scan List Edit:

No ETA on when I will have a new release ready but I hope to have a usable build ready for some testing in the coming weeks :D
-73 de MM7DBT